New Sea Glass Beach Hearts & Remembering Loved Ones

Hello, hello and hello!

I'm back officially, it feels so great to come back to the artwork I love so much. As many of you might have noticed I have been away for the last couple of months and I am finally feeling ready to return to my artwork and the Sea Glass community.

I'd like to share with you all why I have been away. I love my little community and I feel comfortable sharing this with you. My beautiful and loving Grandmother passed away in September. She was very strong willed and although she had not been well for some time, she continued to power through each day living every moment and doing what made her happy.

Losing my Grandmother has been very difficult and it does feel like I lost a piece of myself in a way. Saying goodbye to someone you love is such a tough thing to do, isn't it? 

My Grandmother used to summer in beautiful Cape Breton Island, so growing up we were able to come from Ontario to visit and spend time by the Sea with her and my Grandfather. We would spend our days fishing, going to the beach, skateboarding around town or taking pictures of the scenery. It was a magical experience I could never forget.

She was such a big supporter of my artwork and kept every piece that I had gifted to her. She displayed them proudly in her china cabinet in the dinning room of her home. With that being said, I have decided to dedicate some time to create new artwork that is inspired by love, family and happy times. So I will be working away on a new artwork line, I am so looking forward to starting.

The designs will be very beachy. I'll be working with natural tones and hearts will be the theme. Everyone deserves to be loved and to share love together and each of these Sea Glass hearts will depict the love we share for one another.

Thank you all so much for taking time and reading this and for supporting my business, Havenside Designs. If you have recently lost a loved one as well, please know they'll forever be in your memories. Although there will always be that little piece of you that is missing, your loved ones will never be forgotten.

My hope is to launch this new line of artwork by mid November, so keep your eyes open! If you aren't subscribed to my email newsletter, make sure to visit my website and scroll to the bottom where you can subscribe. I generally share fun Sea Glass news as well as new releases.

Enjoy the happy moments that make your heart glow!

Farrah | Havenside Designs

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