A Day In The Life Of a Beachcomber & Seaglass Artist

A Day In The Life Of A Beachcomber Havenside Designs Seaglass Blog Post from Cape Breton Island Nova Scotia

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.

Living life on island time is about slowing down and taking time to enjoy the little things. Today was one of those days and I snapped some photos along the way so I could show you all what my day was like.

Things started off with coffee as usual. I checked the Tides app on my phone and planned my trip to the beach. I was hoping to explore some new beaches today but the rain and fog were heavy, so I decided to keep things simple and head over to one of my all time favourite beaches!

(Checkout my recent blog post on my top 3 favourite Seaglass Beaches in Nova Scotia.)

Indian Beach North Sydney Seaglass Havenside Designs Blog A Day In The Life of a Beachcomber Nova Scotia

Indian Beach is located in North Sydney. This is by far one of my favourite spots, mainly because It is easy to get to and has a nice long stretch of beach to walk. I also love exploring this beach and veering away from the shoreline. I often find small pieces of driftwood or heart shaped pebbles that lay out of the way a bit.


I was the only one at the beach this morning and that is always a treat! As I moved up the beach I stumbled across a large clear Seaglass piece and later found a large Coke Bottle blue piece. Along the way I also found several teeny tiny Cobalt Blue pieces and other various colors too.

Indian Beach Seaglass Havenside Designs Blog A Day In The Life of a Beachcomber Nova Scotia

I like to take my time at the beach and enjoy my time by the water, so I often take my time. After about an hour and a half I had walked up and back down the shore and it was time for lunch! So I headed back to my car and just as I was about to leave, the Newfoundland Ferry let out a loud WOOOOOOAAAP! 

Another reason I love Indian Beach is because on the opposite side of the shore is the ferry terminal. Often you'll find two to three large ferrys there waiting to head back out to sea. If you are lucky enough, you'll get to hear the horn go off.

North Sydney Ship Ferry Port Sea Glass Havenside Designs Blog A Day In The Life Of A Beachcomber

It was a lovely afternoon, dreary and a bit rainy but that was all fine. I always bring a wind breaker and toque, as it can get rather windy. After packing up I drove into Sydney for Starbucks and then back home.

Once home I decided to clean up my beach treasures. The process I use is dependant on what I am gathering at the beach. This time since I had both Sea Glass and small pebbles, I did a full sanitization. I use boiling water and vinegar first. Then boiling water and a splash of beach. This is to ensure I am getting rid of any debris on the pebbles mostly, if I am cleaning Seaglass alone I generally use boiling water and vinegar.

Once I finished all of that I sat down to do some work on my website. The website has been down for some time now as I have been in the process of selling my home in Ontario and moving out to Nova Scotia full time!

Blue Whale Nova Scotia Sea Glass Art Havenside Designs Blog Beachcomber

I managed to create a sweet little write up for a very special piece of artwork I am featuring this month and updated my Havenside Design instagram as well! The Blue Whale Seaglass Art featured above is an absolute favourite of mine, it features plenty of soft Pastel Blue tones as well as Coke Bottle Blue tones.

All in all it was a wonderful day spent doing what I love! I hope this inspires you to get outdoors and spend some time enjoying local trails, beaches and maybe even doing some beach combing in between.

Have a happy day,


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  • John Blizard on

    Farrah=Thank you for inviting me into your day with a walk along the beach.Do you have a list of your creations & prices? Thanks= John❤️

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